
Final draft 9 serial number
Final draft 9 serial number

final draft 9 serial number
  1. Final draft 9 serial number full version#
  2. Final draft 9 serial number upgrade#
  3. Final draft 9 serial number professional#

Final draft 9 serial number full version#

Until the end of January, customers can buy the full version of Final Draft 9 for $199.99 on the Mac App Store or via Final Draft's online store.

Final draft 9 serial number upgrade#

But even if you don't need the Retina support, Final Draft 9 is a decent upgrade that helps the aging software catch up to the younger upstarts - and for that, it is worth it.

final draft 9 serial number

If you own a Retina MacBook Pro, Final Draft 9 is worth buying just for the Retina display support alone. With that in mind, I think Final Draft 9 is a no-brainer for any Mac user in the business of writing screenplays.

Final draft 9 serial number professional#

This means it's easy to track down who leaked the script if it appears online.įinal Draft 9 also includes a host of other, smaller new features including improved spell checkers, thesaurus enhancements, the ability to custom-order Character Lists, Revision page color support and more.Īt a US$249.99 price tag, one may think that the relatively limited major new features for a piece of flagship screenwriting software aren't worth the price, but as usual with any piece of professional software, it's all the little changes taken as a whole that give major updates their worth. For every script you print or share as a PDF, you can add a unique watermark to it identifying the person who the script is being given to. A huge boon is also the ability to watermark scripts in printing and saving to PDF.

final draft 9 serial number

This makes it easier for actors and others to keep track of dialogue during table reads. Another nice feature is Character Highlighting, which highlights each character's dialogue with a different color in the script. The ScriptNotes Navigator has an all-new look and now allows users to sort their notes by color, name or type. The new Character Navigator now lets you add character arc beats in each scene and it also adds non-speaking characters to the Navigator, which helps you keep track of all characters in a script. Moving beyond the Mac-only features, Final Draft 9 adds plenty of enhancements for both Mac and Windows. Unfortunately, Final Draft 9 doesn't support iCloud's Documents in the Cloud, nor does it support OS X's versioning. Other Mac love added to Final Draft 9 includes full-screen support, full Mavericks support and support for OS X 10.9's dictation. In addition to supported Retina text, all the buttons and menu items have also been Retina-ized. This is huge to those writers with a Retina MBP because Final Draft 8 frankly looked like a pixelated mess on Apple's latest notebooks. The most noticeable change you'll see in Final Draft 9 is that it now supports the MacBook Pro's Retina display. But it seems like the company realized it was going to have to give a little more love to the Mac side of things this time around given all the advances its Mac competitors have made in the four years since the last major version of Final Draft was released. While there are plenty of good scriptwriting software alternatives now available on the Mac, the reason Final Draft has such a strong hold on the industry is because it's a strong cross-platform app, with versions for OS X and Windows. And "catching up" is indeed what the company has done with the latest major release of Final Draft - Final Draft 9. That's changed a lot in the last five or so years, with plenty of cheaper and more feature-rich alternatives popping up on the Mac platform.Īs a matter of fact, many in the industry had started to complain that Final Draft was showing its age and it needed to do some serious catching up. However, the reason the software rose to the top spot in the film world is that for years there were no better alternatives.

final draft 9 serial number

It is used in virtually every writer's room across Hollywood and endorsed by such heavyweights as James Cameron, Tom Hanks and JJ Abrams. Final Draft is without a doubt the industry's leading software for screenwriting.

Final draft 9 serial number